Katarina Sayuri

  • Sayuri Cosmetics founder
  • Biochemist, Cosmetologist, Phytotherapeutist
  • Manual Facial Specialist
  • Master of Sports in swimming

I’ve always been a cosmetic maniac

With great enthusiasm I tried new products in the beauty industry, experimented with cosmetics. After working for over 17 years in tourism, I wanted to change my life and moved to Holland. At that time, the beauty industry in this country was just in its infancy and finding decent cosmetics was not an easy task.

After several attempts to find new beauty products for skin care, I ran into a real problem. The condition of my skin has changed a lot. Perhaps the stress of moving, new food and water played an additional role. Over the course of the year, the situation only got worse, and I realized that I began to look absolutely terrible. I tried a lot of creams and products, salons didn’t help me either, acne appeared.

As a result, I began to look for a solution that I can do myself.

And I came across a forum on the Internet, where the topic of aging was touched upon. Digging further, I found experts who were doing research in this area. This topic fascinated me so much that I began to study the aging process, how our skin and muscles regenerate, from which cells stop dividing.

And most importantly, how can we stay young?

Even then, it became clear to me that most cosmetics manufacturers just make money.

Cosmetic products that promise fast and fabulous results include mineral oils and additives that destroy our skin. They cause constant problems, diseases and even cancer. And after all, these brands are in demand, store shelves are full of their products, and advertising companies promise to forget about acne forever after 3 days.

And they work. At first, this makes a person seem young for the first time. But every year the skin begins to age faster. In women and men at the age of 35-40, rashes, diathesis, age spots, wrinkles appear. It is from the use of such products that the skin barrier is destroyed. We are destroying it. Injections, trendy creams and advice from corrupt experts.

Using this experience and my professional biochemical education, I decided to create my own formulas.

I have known about the power of nature and natural ingredients since childhood. My grandmother was an herbalist. Living in an environment of pure nature, her ancestors from generation to generation passed on proven recipes for infusions and potions that helped maintain their health and beauty.

The start of my business began with the fact that I produced natural cosmetics for women on order. According to their recipes and formulas, using their cosmetic approach.


After all, cosmetics were made individually for their goals and skin type. After 1.5 months, I no longer had time, there was not enough time. Something more had to be created. And so Sayuri was born.

I realized that due to the proper stimulation of the skin, we can stay young. Very long time. Due to the correct removal of cosmetics, the use of natural products that do not harm the body and do not cause a violation of the lipid layer.


In order to keep their body perfect, geishas in Japan have long used natural masks, exfoliating compounds based on clay, natural oils and sea salt. Health and beauty were vital to them. And they knew all the power of nature to preserve their youth.

Sayuri cosmetics are designed for self-healing and skin training. Understanding how our muscular systems and skin work, I combined this knowledge with proper skin care into a working formula and recipes. Our skin itself can become stronger, itself can become younger. If all this is done correctly.


In order to keep their body perfect, geishas in Japan have long used natural masks, exfoliating compounds based on clay, natural oils and sea salt. Health and beauty were vital to them. And they knew all the power of nature to preserve their youth.

Sayuri cosmetics are designed for self-healing and skin training. Understanding how our muscular systems and skin work, I combined this knowledge with proper skin care into a working formula and recipes. Our skin itself can become stronger, itself can become younger. If all this is done correctly.

Sayuri cosmetics has become the favorite skin care brand for 85% of our customers


And while I’m on the way to this, it seems to me important to make every effort to preserve what nature gave us at birth. Learn to respect, love and care for your face and body.

We are all getting old. It’s unavoidable. For now.

Everyone can choose at least two ways, one of which is to accept, the second is to do it beautifully. I choose the second, focusing on skin care. And proper and delicate care is cleansing, protection, stimulation and the search for natural ways to preserve youth.